Monthly Archives: June 2013

The June Roller coaster

There have been many exciting changes in my life in the past six weeks or so in my personal life. It involves a new job for the boyfriend. As well as me moving in with him in the middle of the month. I’m still in the middle of unpacking/ trying to keep the chaos under control.  It wouldn’t be a roller coaster of a month without car troubles…as well as getting water in the car from the rain the other day.  And I am still reeling with (good) news I just received yesterday. So, hopefully life will be a little less chaotic as the summer goes on.  I hope to enjoy some sun filled days.

I’m just recovering from the stress and starting to write again this week. I went nearly two weeks without writing and it killed me. Not writing makes me so darn miserable. However, the stress kept me from being able to think straight enough to write. Oh well, I’m mostly over that stress hump now. Back to the writing.

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